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Advantage II Cats | Kanu Pet

Advantage II Cats Flea & Tick

From $32.48
Advantage II for Cats is a vet-recommended monthly topical flea prevention and treatment that kills fleas through contact so they don’t have to bite your cat to die. The protection...
Earth Animal Flea & Tick Collar Cat | Kanu Pet

Earth Animal Flea & Tick Collar Cat

Formulated by Dr. Bob Goldstein, our Nature’s Protection™ Flea & Tick Herbal Collar for cats is the natural alternative to traditional collars that are made with harsh, synthetic chemicals. Each...
Earth Animal Flea & Tick Herbal Internal Powder for Dogs | Kanu Pet

Earth Animal Flea & Tick Herbal Internal Powder Yeast Free

Formulated by Dr. Bob Goldstein, our Nature’s Protection™ Flea & Tick Daily Herbal Internal Powder (yeast free) contains wild-crafted herbs to help support a healthy immune system. The combination of...
 Cheristin Flea Treatment for Cats | Kanu Pet

Cheristin Flea Treatment for Cats

From $20.99
Cheristin for Cats (Spinetoram) is a topical flea treatment designed specifically for cats. While monthly application is recommended, Cheristin's long lasting formula protects against fleas through 6 weeks and is...
Seresto Flea & Tick Cat Collar | Kanu Pet

Seresto Flea & Tick Cat Collar

An easy-to-use, ordorless, non-greasy collar that kills and repels fleas and ticks for 8 month For cats and kittens 10 weeks of age or older An easy-to-use, ordorless, non-greasy collar...