Explore Kanu Pet's "Hyperactivity" flower essence, created to prevent agitation and excess energy in your pet during hyperactive situations. Approved by our veterinary doctors, this flower essence is 100% natural and effective in improving your furry companion's well-being.
5 Outstanding Benefits:
- Agitation Prevention: "Hyperactivity" flower essence is formulated to prevent agitation, ensuring your pet feels calm and balanced.
- Environment Adaptation: Helps your pet adapt smoothly to hyperactive environments, avoiding overstimulation.
- Emotional Stability: Promotes emotional stability, keeping your dog calm and collected even in high-activity situations.
- Backed by Veterinarians:
- Developed and endorsed by veterinarians, you can trust the safety and efficacy of "Hyperactivity" flower essence.
- 100% Natural Ingredients: Committed to naturalness, we ensure that your dog receives healthy care without unwanted side effects.
Discover how the "Hyperactivity" flower essence can make agitated situations with your pet more harmonious and comfortable. Opt for your dog's natural well-being with Kanu Pet!

Kanu Pet Hyperactivity Flower Essence oilfor Pets, 100% Natural, Calms Agitation, Aids Adaptation, Promotes Emotional Stability