Stella & Chewy's raw frozen dinner patties are a complete food that delivers the nutritional value, bio-availability, and proven health benefits of real raw meat. Raw diets offer numerous benefits including healthy digestion, vibrant skin and coat, healthy teeth and gums, stamina and vitality, and amazing palatability!
The awesome taste of Stella & Chewy's will persuade even the most finicky dogs to eat. In a pet food world marred by recalls, Stella & Chewy's makes products you can feel good about feeding your pets! They never use grain, fillers, artificial preservatives or colorings in their raw frozen dinners. They work diligently to source every ingredient from reputable suppliers located in the USA. Freezing food instead of cooking it preserves the full value of the whole food ingredients in their formulas.
Lastly, Stella & Chewy's thoroughly tests each batch of their finished products at an independent laboratory and makes the results available for consumers on their website. Stella & Chewy's was also the first raw pet food manufacturing company to process their products with a unique high pressure treatment step that kills pathogenic bacteria. This makes their raw dinners safe and convenient for your family to handle and for your pet to consume (safety tip - wash hands and all utensils and bowls with hot, soapy water after feeding).
Stella & Chewy's raw frozen recipe features -
- 95% meat, organs and bone with no added hormones or antibiotics.
- Grass-fed, cage-free, and wild-caught meat proteins.
- Low in carbohydrates and grain, gluten, pea, lentil, and potato-free.
- Organic fruits and vegetables.
- A 100% complete and balanced diet fortified with essential vitamins and minerals.
- Quick thaw and serve preformed patties.